Dalkia has successfully delivered the improvement works across corporate estates including enhanced heat supply resilience.
Dalkia has successfully delivered the improvement works across corporate estates including enhanced heat supply resilience.
The improvements including the portfolio wide solar PV scheme are delivering long term energy and CO² savings across portfolio, helping WSCC to mitigate against future energy price fluctuation.
The client can report ongoing savings against their targets through our automated performance measurement and critical backlog work has been mitigated through Boiler replacements and lighting upgrades.
The signifcant lighting upgrades have improved the visual envionnments, which combined with the temperature regulation improvements from better BMS controls have improved building comfort conditions for staff and visitors.
We have managed to identify and implement a significant number of opportunities at sites throughout the county through joint working with the Council’s Your Energy Sussex team, finance officer, and building surveyors all of which are helping to reduce energy the Council’s carbon footprint.
Bernard Antieul, Project Director